Wednesday, October 19

at long last

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i must say.these pictures really crack me up!like all e time!a pity i didnt get to wear the moustache. i must add, if not for photofetished camerahogs, ie me, such captured moments wont be funny no more!i'm thrilled!another party coming up whereby i can once again play dressup.hurrah it's a halloween party!it will be my virginexperience of celebrating halloweens and i'm thrilled to e bones!i'm so deprived of trick-or-treating/playing dressup cos when i read babysittersclub and sweetvalleytwins in pri sch, i always wanted to dress up as an angel or fairy of sorts!imagine having wings (behind, not below), or decked in girliewirlie prettypinks, or as any character you always wanted to be.anyhoo, i'm wrecking my brains trying to figure out what to dress up as. you see, i'm trying to dig out nonsense garments frm my wardrobe and see what i can do with them. no way am i gonna rent a wonderwoman/catwoman costume.damn ex lor during this peakperiod. thanks to vanniepoo, she thought of some wonderful ideas for me, ie, come dressed in black+white( comprises of 80% of e wardrobe), buy a plastic nose and tada, ala MJ. or buy a redhoodedsweater and go as lil redridinghood.i proposed pretty darn brilliant ideas for her too. better than e redridinghood at least, and she laughed them creativity is never taken seriously. i'm thinking of wearing e secsch uniform cos e belovedblue pinafore is ohsoversatile!but vanniepoopoo says it's a HALLOWEENS party, not a BACKTOSCH themedparty.dang.oklor.hmmm i'll think of something for sure.

over the past wk.

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so it was e gathering of some of my favoritest girls for some drinks and goodfun. notice my superdarn smalleyes!i was feeling under e weather.good ol' hoe was good as usual.a sufficient amt of it gave me e guts to confront some shitofaperson who was sodamnbarbaric and spilled beer on my phone ok! hello! the textile of my phone is suede k!ok not quite but lushly velvety can.then on the way to supper, i think i scared a friend's girlfriend away with my slightly-more-than-enthusiastic hello at the coffeeshop. haha oops. cant wait for more!

my playmate on sundays!

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i love my sunday playmate!shopping and feasting at carl's jr.which is so yum, carl's taste lingers in your mouth after manymany hrs!vannie and i spent e entire day reminising on our secsch romances as we strolled in and out of shops, and it basically brought back manymany how when we were younger, things were much simpler and sweeter then. e simple joys that make you float on cloud9. e simple joys that make you glow like no tomorrow. haha from singing songs in the voicemails, to proudly handinghands in sch uniform in town.teeheehee. ohwell.

there is a fine line btw remaining content and behaving overly complacent.and then there is also a finer line btw disappointment and lines are crossed and i am definitely crossed when the apparent token of appreciation basically denotes below negative value in the gesture of i guess the gift lies in the rippled ridicule upon receipt.and at long last, e realisation that secondchances and forgiveness are worthless for the unappreciative abusers.