here's to an overload of my aug+sept hasbeens+happenings.
there are still truckloads more but here's what i've managed to stuffup.
a shoppingtrip with vannie the sweething.
on the way up to watch lakehouse. i superlove pic no3 the mostest.isnt vannie adorable with her many expressions? i'm not really versatile in that aspect as you can see.
virgin manicure sesh with cillia. and yes i'm now veryhooked on being pampered.
ohyesh i love rednails absolutely!
that night when thebaby surprised me with a latenight winesesh afterwork at labrador's park.
the lovehate relationship with haircuts.yes i finally went for a haircut. @NEXT
my colleague's babyshower. kieane lim .and yes that marked my first time giving a redpacket.but cos i'm not married and i'm superstitious, i gave a pinkone.
the boy who stole the show. kieran is cuteness!
club21 in the heartlands baybeh!
1-3. check this out. ceiling to floor shoe rack and mirrored ceiling. SHOES GALORE!
4-9. and who wouldnt love a walk-in wardorbe?
my first roadshow!at the caltex house.
thefollowing are madcapped madness one night at zouk with thebosses+colleagues after a mediaparty. ohyes. madness cos i took 189pictures in that onenight!amazing no?
and if you still can tahan, watch this space for more updates. there are so manymore! i just need to get my tiredarse to organizing them.
till then.