oh ocean!engulf me pls!
the weather has been insanely impossible!humidlyhot(!!!) like an overlyheated fryingpan left on the stove for centuries.and the coldlikenorthpole of an office doesnt exactly allow me to be in the pink of health either.
above are pictures frm jingle's 21st hotelparty.tahaha.as per referral frm vannieboo's bwog,oh pardon me,i was NOT the only one who was too tipsy ok!we all know who else was worst.kudos to the host and hostess for being graciously generous and attentive to all our needs.hence the $6 pot of cwoahfee for my intendedintention to study afterwards.and the constant flow of booze.frm the bottles of wine to hardliquor.very harsh.i also want a (not-so)surpriseparty!hinthint.
ohdear.i can feel my body heatingup.bloodyhell those damn antibiotics don't work!i'm gonna drag myself to the nearest pool of ice and have a gool'ol soak and emerge with wrinkledskin.
yayness.more accts to tally tmr.more purchasingorders to be issued.and even more sourcing to be done.my life is very exciting indeed.thrill me!
oh.i am thrilled.somebody just called me!