heyho.merryol'soul.cillia's back frm her hollyday.just in time for some good ol'premerrymaking with good company and goodbooze.
say!i'm totally soaked in the festivefever.so much so i'm running a fever now.i've even created pseudo snowflakes to heighten the christmassy spirit.feeling me?besides the tingles in my bones as christmas approaches,i'm feeling the awfulaches in e bones too.not good to fall sick during festivefundays!boohoohoo.on a happier note,i'm gonna start doing up a christmas wishlist and shoppinglist of what to get for myloves.adding in a bagpurchase for myself will make me falala with joy too.i'm such a bagwhore really.
zoukout in 6days!woohoo.
ohgosh.just thinking of the reports due in the coming weeks is making me sick again.
this is so random.