loveletter from a 7yr old to a 7yr old.
the conversation between nicholas my student and me the teacherteacher:-
me (pointing to the sataysticks) : "Wow is this heart for your mommy?"
nicholas: " no. it's for my girlfriend sirada."
me: "your girlfriend? does she know she is your girlfriend?"
nicholas: " she knows! i like her but she don't like me."
me: "oh!does she have a boyfriend?"
nicholas: "yeah she has a boyfriend in thailand." (the girl he like is half-thai.)
me: " why are you making her these things?"
nicholas: "because i like her and i want to be her singapore boyfriend.i wrote her a love letter but you cant see it because i licked the envelope already. and do you know why i used blue ink to write the letter?
me: "why?"
nicholas: "because her schoolbag is blue so her favourite colour is blue.her schoolbag has red color pattern and black colour too.does that mean she is a tomboy?but she has long hair so she is not a tomboy right"
me: "girls can like black too."
nicholas: "no!girls can only like pink and red.boys like blue and black." (he is super chauvinistic for a 7yr old.)
me: "why do you like sirada?"
nicholas: "because she is very pretty and has long hair."
me: " better learn your ting xie properly. sirada only likes clever boys.if you do badly, then she'll laugh at you and wont like you anymore."
nicholas: "no. sirada will like me. i got 20/20 for my test."
me: "i know.good now we learn ting xie properly ok?"(new tactic to get him to be serious on learning his ting xie cos he hates chinese.)
to get things straight, i am a good teacher!i did not teach him to spell "from" as "form" and "holiday" as "holly day".i was not ard when he did this.but e gesture is sweet enough that i didnt harp on e spelling error.
anyway, e next day when i went to his place for tuition and i asked him abt sirada's reaction. he said sirada was very happy.but he didnt pass her the present himself. he got someone else to pass to her cos he was feeling my guess is that he was looking at her frm afar.
his next present to her: his spelling test which i tested him on.written in neat handwriting and in pink attempt to impress her.he scored 5/5 i guess my tactic worked.
aint love the sweetest thing?
oh yes it is.