happyhoedays from awhile ago when mybabydoll alvi was back in town.you'll be home for good in 2 months!i need my bestieboo back here with me.i cant deal with my preciouslove's absence.
suntanning from awhile back.the company i had was brighter than sunshine.no wonder i got sunburnt.
so.the bmw event is finally over and done with.totally exhausting.and i had my precious weekends burnt too.the cars were e eyecandies that stole e show.vroom.i lust over e 6series.zoooom.each time i see a lady driving past the showroom in a powerautomobilelike a bmw,fwoah,my heart races with 500 horsepower.i always thought it's damn sexy for women to be in control of the wheel.hmmm jingle, you do not qualify cos you drive like an ah-ma.i know for sure i'll be e lousiest driver ard cos i'm so prone to multitasking and i'm ohsovery careless,unattentive,easily distracted and rude too.i'll end up cutting lanes when i'm in a madrush and not signalling for that matter(or e only signal wld be my middlefinger), or hog a one-way lane while applying lipgloss/msging on e handphone/picking e lint off my linen/last minute shaving.i know for sure i'll be a roadhazard!strapme in e passengerseat and i'm glad.in e meantime, i'll make any car look good, if not better, by being a car ornament.i'm also good at readingmaps too!all those navigationskills i learnt in my girlguide days definitely come in handy.i'll say "turn left or turn right" and not "turn here or turn there".see i know my directions well!the next time i see a lady in a leanmean automobile, i'll be on my way to ssdc.
over e wk, elaine's retrocious(retro/atrocious) party was somuchfun! i love dressing up for parties. dressing up to e theme that is. i thought my spankingnew 50/60s inspired outfit was DA BOMB until e birthdaygirl and some weird aerobics instructor ala e 80s came with wigs.oh and one hotstuff came decked in flashy moschino suspenders while another hotstuff did a britney by revealing her tumtum in an allgreen 70s inspired attire.i'd love to put up pictures to illustrate my pt. but i'm still WAITING for the pictures.uh-huh this goes out to YOU and YOU.damn e inconveniences for being camera-impaired.this will not do!this wellknown camerahogger needs her toy to make her complete!in e meantime, i'll just have to live with receiving pictures weeks later and posting postdated pictures.just like what i'm doing now.