the 21st was finally over and done with.
31stmay-the prebirthdaypartying
coccolatte.the company was fantabulous.i heard i did tons of crazyshit that night.skirtalmostpulledoff.revealing gs.podiumhogginghumping.misplacedhands.lustfuldeeds.oops.a little too explicit.tons of alcohol.loads of merrymaking.not that fun for was gd while it lasted.
manythanks to all who came.
3rdjune-eve of thebirthday
i had the smashingest time with mel and crazyass bitches.from drinks at this loveliest hiddenhideout called barstop. imitating this unappealing sexcretary who was desperately trying hard to seduce her boss by pouting her lips n squeezing e crazyfun at taboo.newfound "bestfriend" is this selfproclaimedSLUT: jimmy.he who loves to snog only angmohs n taught us how to shamelesslyseduce,ie by lifting up your top as you sway to e!more alcohol of course came apouring.dancing under e shinydiscoball with all these reallyshinyhappyppl.real happy.where all inhibitions are shed.and may i add,attention was not on me for e first time.*ahem.yesyes humility is me.hands were kissed as greetings.birthdaysongs were sang in my ear by strangers who knew me not by my name,but as e birthdaygirl.i never danced any vibrating even harder than a mulitspeed dildo turning anyone on faster than e miraculousbluepill+doing e mrbean thrusts n hands swinging in e opposite direction+dancing like was a nightful of laughters.
e only a pity:no pictures.cameraphones just arent tt good.
came home at 7am.woke up at 12 to bigloudbangs on the maindoor.the doorbell wasnt working dingdongnomore,so e deliveryboy was shouting "miss june(!!!!!)" so loud that it woke me up.i crawled out of bed so pissed that my beautyzzz was disrupted.and standing at e door was a deliveryboy with a glassvase full of 12 beautifulblueroses and a rather dodgylooking bluebear to match.sweetsurprise.frm e friend from boston.he called later asking if e deliveryboy sang me a birthdaysong,which e deliveryboy didnt.i dont blame him la.i greeted him with badmorningbreath+fbtshorts worn at the waist+some uglylooking singlet+squintingfrowns cos i wasnt wearing my glasses.who wld wanna sing birthdaysong for me looking like absolute pieceofpoo?
did i mention that i was suffering from the birthdayblues e entire wk?felt that on thebirthday itself.was even on e verge on cancelling dinner altogether because of certain ppl's absence.but i was so glad that i didnt.dinner at indochine waterfront restaurant was lovely.the atmosphere was intimate and cldnt be anymore perfect with te presence of leng and cillia.the restuarant felt like ours as we were e only ones dining indoors.the food was yums.the company i had was yummier.*burp.meal ended and the entire staff came out with a cake and sang me a birthdaysong.even e chef! sweet.
proceeded to drinks at bar opiume.even lovelier.three of us lounged on e blackcouches like lazylizards with buldgingbellies as the jazzband e midst of the maddeningrush, i felt this sudden peace frm within.this is living.wining and dining with two of my closestloves.i never felt happier.this is contentment.i may not have alot of flashy blingblings.but i have these preciousloves that dizzy me up with pricelesshappiness.
pause.flabalert! check out my doublechin!i had to hide my buldging tummy with this lovelylavender top.which so happens to be a gift frm alvimylove.
so despite some detesting the mth of summerflinging and summerfuns, i'm loving it cos i'm celebrating me.this is the month to celebrate me.june is the month to celebrate june with june.