we shd be banned frm mng. e morning of e mng sale on thurs,elaine and i met at an unearthly hr of 9am just to check out e sale. unearthly as i only had 3hrs of sleep frm zouk e nite before.e crowd that was already there was horrendous. e queues were so long and e place was packed with clothes strewn all over e place. kiasu as we are,we dug through e piles hoping to find sth we mite like. we found so many that we liketh very much. sadly we had to narrow e choices to what may suit e patheticbudgets. in 1 day,we checked out 3 mng branches, staying at each branch for an avg of 1hr each. we just cant get enough! poor soles. esp elaine's as she was unwise enough to wear heels. they were totally sore frm so much walking. elaine's my one and only mngsales shopping partner. we do this on a twice yearly basis. and shopping with her is always fun cos she is a crazybitch and we have so much fun bitching abt everything. and while checking out this tabloid mag at the borders,i found out abt a really deliciouslydecadent fact: that the mother&son characters frm niptuck,were actually dating!yummy!i love it when rships are so illicit.i cant imagine what they say to each other during offscreen intimacy. what i illustrated out to elaine is too lewdlyindecent to be mentioned here. and i didnt realise that there was an eavesdropper,looking so decent and all,decked in shirt and tie,who heard my entire role(fore)playing until elaine snickered. but the highlight of my day was when i bumped into my secsch bestfriend, whom i havent seen for 4yrs! speaking of her brings tears to my eyes cos i reallyreally missed her and to be able to see ethel and to hear her voice again was so heartfelt. my days in ij wldnt be so perfect if not for her lovelypresence. elaine and i were simply thrilled to see her! it seems so long ago when we were in ji for e first3mths and all e chain of events tt happened frm then on.we've indeed aged.
the following day,i met my gagagayle and for more shopping. i love gayle so much!she always has so many amusing stories to tell me.and now that she's a highflier,i'm entertained with stories of pilots and fellow stewardesses. from drinking with hk triads to scandals and seductions in e air. oohhoo. whatever happens at e cockpit,stays at the cockpit. so e two of us went crazy at mng again when elaine joined us. and we amused ourselves further by taking pictures while browsing thru e bra departments. gaylemyprettybaby has such bigbeautifuleyes. so electrifying arent they? that's my gorgeous stewardess. elaine's and my peepers seem so ridiculously small in comparison. oh yes. a particular paunch by e name of Ying Jr is just as amusing too. quite adorable too i must add if not i'm gonna be pinched by e Ying.
gayle and i had drinks at ochos and liberte at chijmes after that.drinking at former sch compound is such a treat! a night of too much beer i must say.gayle's male colleague and his friends joined us for drinks. we played this totally insane drinking game of 'I've never'. where dirtylittlesecrets and extremelykinkyexperiences were spilled for pleasure for all. funfunfunny! and the spilledsecrets are really too explicitlyillicit to be mentioned here, lest myblog might be stumbled upon if one's searching for perverselynaughtycontents on the searchengines.
and the weekend cldnt be anymore perfect than waking up to a loved one telling me how beauitiful i am to him. i must add that i look extremely grosse when i wake up. the morningbreath too is fwoah, not worth mentioning.
this week's gonna be fabulous albeit the schterm starting after the tooshort twoweeks break.with alvimylove returning to sg and i simply am dying to spend time with her. yes so much so that she'll get sick of me. and the verymuch anticipated dinner with ethel, with 4yrs of catchingup to do. i have millionsofthings to tell her. tons of mouthaction. cant wait!