Thursday, April 29

pettypettypetty u!
pissed.crossed.n mad at u!
not upset not even boohoo sad but damndamn pissed!
gosh just cos i chose studyin over u e nite before
despite ur burning desire to meet me n wantin to spend time with me
cldnt u wait a lil longer?
i missed u too u know
wanted to see u just as much

besides havent we already made plans to study today?
so u go ahead n meet another just cos i cant meet u.
am fine with everything but cant help noticing ur deliberate choice of friend to meet. i have a substitute?!
so now u go ahead, engrossed in ur pettiness
n not botherin with meetin me today as we had planned.
chk ur phone to see 1 missed call frm me.
i made e first forgiving move.ive done what i shd have done.
not gonna follow suit ur childish misdeameanor.

ur behavior has totally justified all e wrongs i had committed in e midst of this rship.
no longer guilt trippin anymore.

we're quits now.

Tuesday, April 27

sudden urge to blog.

yesterday was my baby's birthday.for once i didnt get him anything for his bday.wanted to get him absolut vanilla but hmmm wld rather get it at duty free charges.budgetbudget.wanted to get him a phone since his old 8250 drowned its existence away in e33, but nah he didnt want me to spend on him.he told me i was his birthday gift.awww.what a sweet tongued LIAR.haha besides i've already spent a bit on another's present.tsk me.went to his hse for dinner.went there early thought i cld be of some help in e kitchen to help his sis n maid.felt so helpless there cos e women in his hsehold are such good cooks n i'm a ridiculously useless cook cos i hardly cook at way i cld have a way to his heart thru his stomach.gotta use other means then in e end all that i did in e kitchen was cutting e vegetables with scissors,mixing e drinks and setting e helpful.dinner started when his friends came over.was just a small affair considering it's his 21st.he didnt wanna celebrate it with a big hooha cos to him it's just another day.during cake cutting, cld see that his parents still saw e bigsizedboy as a little toddler with a party hat on e head.e cake,i mite add, was his fave since young.awww aint tt cute?went for movies after that.starsky n hutch.lame show with a salvaging soundtrack.still diggin' e 70's groovin'.e farrah fawcetted hairdos(my all time fave), e loud n hippish attire, e radical save-e-dolphins ' e 70s!sidetrack sidetrack.he said all that mattered to him was my presence.guess both of us wanted to have more time by ourselves but couldnt.thats alrite.we have many more days ahead to spend time with each other.days?thats a countable noun..

things're well btw us.and i'm glad.
we've gone thru much together to get to where we are today.

but still that doesnt stop me frm keepin my eyes closed to choices.

Thursday, April 15

*pics are up.


Monday, April 12

last weekend..

all these while,i thought e comms ball was on fri.and it's such a typical june-situation when i found out only on e day itself that it was tmr!rite after making my appointments for hair n makeup.grrr.cld kill my date for tt.and he cld do was laugh excessively abt this.really.he's just such a bundle of laughters.horrendously loud ones.nah i'm only exaggerating.
met baby.who was gettin insanely and adorably jealous over this whole ball thing.havent seen him for a wk n it was killin me.was supposed to be studyin together(yes with books!) but his mom persuaded us to watch passion of e christ with her.very apt.on a good friday.easy persuasion for me cos yesyes,i'm gaining plus points with e mom haha.was intending to catch e show soon anyway.was really painful to watch.esp e sound effects..e tearing of e skin..unbearable.went bk to his place n had dinner with his i was left alone at e dinner table with his mom n dad while he was in e kitchen making e japanese steamed egg for fave!had 2 of those while dining at sakae sushi on our 1st date.awww i boy claims his are by far e best.better than sakae sushi's.oh yeah i'm while he was sweatin away in e kitchen chopping n slicing century eggs(my fave!) and i dunno what else he was including in e steamed eggs,i was on my best behavior at e dinner table.legs nicely tucked behind e chair.table manners all in noisy slurpings.such a demure lil girl.his parents kept askin me to try this eat tt n of cos i cant much food at e table n all cooked by e dad.impressive.e fish head curry n fried beehoon were superb n i'm not sayin tt to gain more points or what not.haha but it really pleased e mom when i told her tt e food was good.kaching kaching more points hear his parents finally addressing me as their son's gf..makes this rship feel so much more secure.
finally.e steamed egg was see him putting in so much effort just to make me a dish tt he knows will delight me,makes it e yummiest dish cooked with love.oh end it dint turn out as well as he had expected it to be.but i thought it was e best ever.i tasted love.and that was enough.but he was so full of disappointment.he wanted it to be perfect.told him tt it was really yummy n he thinks im silly boy..:)

e highly anticipated occasion finally arrived.and e mix up of dates merely heightened e hair n makeup done.felt like a princess to be fussed n made over for e day.had curly wurls for e nite.not exactly used to seeing myself with curly wurls ever since pri sch,when i wld force my mom to tie my hair into tight plaits n sleep in them n wake up e next day with much joy to see tt i had curly n makeup were adorned by e pretty bebe dress and e ball finally commenced.saw familiar faces at e dinner.faces frm ij, cj and hearsay.had foie gras for appetiser.what wld you expect frm raffles hotel but small portions of opulent delicacies.well well ms spore was there attending e ball as someone's date.another unknown finalist was there as well.and well well what can i say?these ladies arent getting enough attention so they took part in some game segment.some mr ocs pageant thingey n e ladies had to pose a qn to their dates.surprise spore asked her date e exact same qn that she was asked at e finals.not e i-love-popiah one but e advice to e daughter yada appeared to most ard our table tt she was trying to bring us to awareness or casually reminding all tt hey she was ms spore,in case we were wondering.dinner was good..despite e small portions of eveything.good things come in small packages i'm sure.went clubbing at new asia bar after e dinner.ladies entered for free.whee.e view frm e 72nd floor was breathtaking.felt very elevated.shared e special view gazing moment with my date.looking down upon n pointing out e expressways,e monuments,e buildings,e little cars,e riviera was..nice.was lost in e moment while it lasted.magical.loved it.
it was a nite to remember.loved everything abt e nite.had alot to think abt.but thinking too much doesnt serve any good either.

i'm watchin you
watch over me.
and i've got
e greatest view frm here..

took many pics.wld be up soon.stay tuned.