snapshots of myloves.
etched in e heart.
for life.
amateurish artworks, no?
yesterday, whilst vanniemybaby and i were nuaing at starbucks, along came a secondary school classmate of mine. one i haven't seen like for 5 yrs? she has changed so much. appearancewise that is. frm then when her uniform was neat and proper and her socks were of e legal length.(during my time, it wasn't that funkydory yet to wear ankle length socks. socks more than 3fingers above the ankle were drawn with markers by e discipline mistress, if my memory serves me right. correct me if i'm wrong?)
anyway we were just casual conversationalising when the topic of marriage came up. e most shocking news of e night: a primary sch classmate of mine was gonna get married in june. *shrieks *gasps *speechless. omg. fellow ij sisters. i'm sure you'd know who she is. she was one fifth of the vocal quintet in ij who always gathered either in arts1 or arts3 classroom every morning and harmonized their vocals while pple like me were busy copying homework or catching some winks. married at 21? unthinkable. van and i were visibly shaken by the news of the happyunion. it's like despite e fact that we're only 20 turning 21, 19 turning 20, for a splitsecond moment, van and i shared e same thought. for why are we still left on e shelf? it's not as if we were feeling e itch and were desperate to be married off. but were mere triggeredoff thoughts which proliferated and manifested on my way hm.
no longer sweetsixteens in that gorgeous blue pinafore with e belt worn loose and low. but wives walking down aisles in verawangs. followed closely by adorning hotmama-ish pregger outfits from swell or something and shopping at mothercare. *shrieks. those were e days when friends wld gather during recess and discuss and predict who wld get married off first blahblahyada. it is so happening like right now. soon wedding/solemnization invitations wld replace those hallmark xmas cards that we used to send each other every xmas during those times in ij. and yes. soon e attached amongst us wld start hearing e biological clocks in them ticking like timebombs and urging their other halves to settle down or else. and e rest who have managed to convince themselves that they'd thrive in singledom wld begin to feel e chiffonlike dust layers on top of their chiffon dresses. speedating/grp dates/blind dates/irc outings wld soon follow suit.
3-6 more yrs before we're all of a decent marriagable age.
geezybeezy. my, have we aged.