>>3yrs down memory lane.
one unbreezy evening, sillybaby and i decided to take a leisurely walk ard his estate after dinner. ooh yeah i'm so totally made for walking. i swear every singleinch of my body is celluliting so i rejoiced at e idea of toning and working thy calf muscles. so we walked e entire seletar estate- thru seletar hills/gardens/nim/mimosa/neram/other jalansomethings weirdsounding road names/and even came across to mr minister's hse. george yeo methinks. and there was an indian policeman sitting in his lil cove outside e hse. so poor thing la. e weather was unbearably unbearable. still n humid. only thing tt blew was nothing. sightings include wowing at
suisui cars such as my alltime fave lexus(swoon...), SLKs, a supergorgeous nissanfairlady, porsches parked alongside beemers(7series to be precise) in e same hse(filthyfilthy rich cant freakin stand it!) and of cos nice big houses with gardens, whitepicketfences and doggies either running ard chasing their own tails or barking non stop by e gate (which reminds me of silly's stoopid dog who's jealous tt i have to share his owner with him and wants me dead i swear).
walkedwalked sweatsweat...
then came sad sighting..
seletar macs was
and all ard it. including e mkt, e oldish flats n e mamapapa shops which sell tidbits reminiscent of my childhood.
and tt evoked such a strong sadness within me.
it was where everything began;
was where my fave ppfrontman studied together for supps.
geog and econs to be exact.
underneath e posters of john lennon and e rest of his boys as decors.
was where when he told me tt my currentsqueeze wld be really blessed if he had me.
was where he told me tt he wldnt even introduce me to currentsqueeze(!elation!) if he didnt meet his thensqueeze who's suchabitch really.
was where i confided in ppfrontman tt i was doubting babytouringeurope's thenadvances.
tt were there mere honeycoated nothings or flavored somethings?
was where ppfrontman assured me tt my nowandthenbaby was serious abt me.
was where mybaby and i first held hands discreetly.
underneath e tables. without ppfrontman's knowledge.
was where mybelovedyingying pronounced n-i-n-e as neeneh instead of nine.
was where e four of us laughed at e stupidest things over happymeals.
such happy meals.
was where sillybaby n i studied n sneaked peeks at each other during our periods of greyish ambiguities.
as i'd refused to go to his place, knowing i'd breakaway frm my limitations.
was where sillybaby's mom n i bought 25 25cents ice-cream cones.
aha vanilla delights.
and e mkt was where we bought breakfast/lunch/dinner for his parents.
and seeing him chitchat with e hawkers cos they've practically seen him grow up.
which i bet was an attempt to get more ingredients and was a successful one.
so these significant landmarks are now nothing but empty landscapes.
prolly gonna build up some mightymall there.
which wld further escalate e prices of land n private estates in tt area.
so it is a goodbye to former serenity.
but deeplymissed.